The builder configuration controls how the application is built with docker build
See Builder examples for more information.
Builder options
Options go under the builder key in the root configuration.
The architectures to build for — you can set an array or just a single value.
Allowed values are amd64
and arm64
- amd64
The connection string for a remote builder. If supplied, Kamal will use this for builds that do not match the local architecture of the deployment host.
remote: ssh://docker@docker-builder
If set to false, Kamal will always use the remote builder even when building the local architecture.
Defaults to true:
local: true
Builder cache
The type must be either ‘gha’ or ‘registry’.
The image is only used for registry cache and is not compatible with the Docker driver:
type: registry
options: mode=max
image: kamal-app-build-cache
Build context
If this is not set, then a local Git clone of the repo is used. This ensures a clean build with no uncommitted changes.
To use the local checkout instead, you can set the context to .
, or a path to another directory.
context: .
The Dockerfile to use for building, defaults to Dockerfile
dockerfile: Dockerfile.production
Build target
If not set, then the default target is used:
target: production
Build arguments
Any additional build arguments, passed to docker build
with --build-arg <key>=<value>
ENVIRONMENT: production
Referencing build arguments
FROM ruby:$RUBY_VERSION-slim as base
Build secrets
Values are read from .kamal/secrets
Referencing build secrets
# Copy Gemfiles
COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock ./
# Install dependencies, including private repositories via access token
# Then remove bundle cache with exposed GITHUB_TOKEN
RUN --mount=type=secret,id=GITHUB_TOKEN \
BUNDLE_GITHUB__COM=x-access-token:$(cat /run/secrets/GITHUB_TOKEN) \
bundle install && \
rm -rf /usr/local/bundle/cache
SSH agent socket or keys to expose to the build:
ssh: default=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK
The build driver to use, defaults to docker-container
driver: docker
If you want to use Docker Build Cloud (, you can set the driver to:
driver: cloud org-name/builder-name
It is used to configure provenance attestations for the build result. The value can also be a boolean to enable or disable provenance attestations.
provenance: mode=max
SBOM (Software Bill of Materials)
It is used to configure SBOM generation for the build result. The value can also be a boolean to enable or disable SBOM generation.
sbom: true