Hooks overview

You can run custom scripts at specific points with hooks.

Hooks should be stored in the .kamal/hooks folder. Running kamal init will build that folder and add some sample scripts.

You can change their location by setting hooks_path in the configuration file.

If the script returns a non-zero exit code the command will be aborted.

KAMAL_* environment variables are available to the hooks command for fine-grained audit reporting, e.g. for triggering deployment reports or firing a JSON webhook. These variables include:

  • KAMAL_RECORDED_AT — UTC timestamp in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2023-04-14T17:07:31Z
  • KAMAL_PERFORMER — The local user performing the command (from whoami)
  • KAMAL_SERVICE — The service name, e.g. app
  • KAMAL_SERVICE_VERSION — An abbreviated service and version for use in messages, e.g. app@150b24f
  • KAMAL_VERSION — The full version being deployed
  • KAMAL_HOSTS — A comma-separated list of the hosts targeted by the command
  • KAMAL_COMMAND — The command we are running
  • KAMAL_SUBCOMMANDOptional: The subcommand we are running
  • KAMAL_DESTINATIONOptional: Destination, e.g. “staging”
  • KAMAL_ROLEOptional: Role targeted, e.g. “web”

The available hooks are:

You can pass --skip_hooks to avoid running the hooks.

Note: The hook filename must be the hook name without any extension. For example, the pre-deploy hook should be named “pre-deploy” (without any file extension such as .sh or .rb).