kamal app
Run kamal app
to manage your running apps.
To deploy new versions of the app, see kamal deploy
and kamal rollback
You can use kamal app exec
to run commands on servers.
$ kamal app
kamal app boot # Boot app on servers (or reboot app if already running)
kamal app containers # Show app containers on servers
kamal app details # Show details about app containers
kamal app exec [CMD] # Execute a custom command on servers (use --help to show options)
kamal app help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
kamal app images # Show app images on servers
kamal app logs # Show log lines from app on servers (use --help to show options)
kamal app remove # Remove app containers and images from servers
kamal app stale_containers # Detect app stale containers
kamal app start # Start existing app container on servers
kamal app stop # Stop app container on servers
kamal app version # Show app version currently running on servers