Docker Registries

The default registry is Docker Hub, but you can change it using registry/server:


A reference to secret DOCKER_REGISTRY_TOKEN will look for ENV["DOCKER_REGISTRY_TOKEN"] on the machine running Kamal.

Using AWS ECR as the container registry

AWS ECR’s access token is only valid for 12hrs. In order to not have to manually regenerate the token every time, you can use ERB in the deploy.yml file to shell out to the aws cli command, and obtain the token:

  server: <your aws account id>.dkr.ecr.<your aws region id>
  username: AWS
  password: <%= %x(aws ecr get-login-password) %>

You will need to have the aws CLI installed locally for this to work.

Using GCP Artifact Registry as the container registry

To sign into Artifact Registry, you would need to create a service account and set up roles and permissions. Normally, assigning a roles/artifactregistry.writer role should be sufficient.

Once the service account is ready, you need to generate and download a JSON key, base64 encode it and add to .env:

echo "KAMAL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=$(base64 -i /path/to/key.json)" | tr -d "\\n"  >> .env

Use the env variable as password along with _json_key_base64 as username.

You would also need to specify the image and server variables based on your repo project and location. Here’s the final configuration:

image: <your gcp project id>/<artifact registry repo name>/<desired image name>
  server: <your registry region>
  username: _json_key_base64

Validating the registry configuration

After you’re done with the custom setup, use this to ensure your configuration is correct:

kamal registry login