
Kamal uses Docker healthchecks to check the health of your application during deployment. Traefik uses this same healthcheck status to determine when a container is ready to receive traffic.

The healthcheck defaults to testing the HTTP response to the path /up on port 3000, up to 7 times. You can tailor this behaviour with the healthcheck setting:

  path: /healthz
  port: 4000
  max_attempts: 7
  interval: 20s

This will ensure your application is configured with a traefik label for the healthcheck against /healthz and that the pre-deploy healthcheck that Kamal performs is done against the same path on port 4000.

You can also specify a custom healthcheck command, which is useful for non-HTTP services:

  cmd: /bin/check_health

The top-level healthcheck configuration applies to all services that use Traefik, by default. You can also specialize the configuration at the role level:

    hosts: ...
    cmd: bin/jobs
      cmd: bin/check

The healthcheck allows for an optional max_attempts setting, which will attempt the healthcheck up to the specified number of times before failing the deploy. This is useful for applications that take a while to start up. The default is 7.

The HTTP health checks assume that the curl command is available inside the container. If that’s not the case, use the healthcheck’s cmd option to specify an alternative check that the container supports.

When starting container healthcheck by default will only show last 50 lines. That might be not enough when something goes wrong - so you can add log_lines params and specify larger number if required.

Zero-downtime deploy with cord files

We need to stop Traefik from sending requests to old containers before stopping them, otherwise we could get errors. We do this with a cord file.

The file is created in a directory on the host and the directory is mounted into the container. The healthcheck is modified to check for the file.

When we want to shut down the container we first delete the cord file, then wait for container to become unhealthy.

By default the directory is mounted to /tmp/kamal-cord. You can change the location with

  cord: /var/run/kamal-cord

Or disable the cord (and lose the zero-downtime guarantee) with:

  cord: false

Custom port for the healthcheck with multiple apps

Healthcheck is binding containers port to server’s port. When running multiple applications on the same server and deploying them in parallel you should specify different port for each application.

  exposed_port: 4000 # 3999 is the default one

This allows you to run multiple applications on the same server sharing the same Traefik instance and port